This week was the start of the first Presidential Debate this past Monday and OYE! analyzed gender, language, sentiment, and share of voice among U.S. Hispanics for the debate in this fourth weekly analysis which also included Twitter conversations. As the Hispanic presidential debate conversations progress OYE! will analyze conversations the day of the debate only and continue to track weekly conversations when there are no scheduled debates. Read the previous three weeks of the Hispanic Politics tracker here: Week 1 Hispanic Political Tracker , Week 2 Latino Political Tracker & Week 3 Hispanic Political Tracker.
With Twitter and Instagram combined this week we see that Trump mentions among U.S. Hispanics continued to be significantly higher than Clinton’s at a rate of 98% vs. 2% and almost doubling in overall conversations for one day compared to U.S. Hispanics conversations for the previous week, which was under 1,000 total conversations.
During the first Presidential Debate, there were more male conversations than female, Trump did have more Hispanic women mention him than Clinton.
During the Presidential debate, English was the most language compared to last week where Spanish and bilingual combined were 32% for Clinton and 36% for Trump. During Monday’s debate, Clinton did not have any bilingual mentions compared to Trump’s 8% in both bilingual and Spanish.
When it came to sentiment for the Presidential Debate, Clinton had just 1% more than Trump in positive sentiment and she also had the highest negative sentiment with 11% compared to Trump’s 9%. Last week Trump had high positive sentiment (28%) and 17% belonged to Clinton.
This analysis is based on a sample of 1,998 U.S. Hispanic conversations in which one candidate was mentioned exclusively. OYE! analyzed hashtags, ‘#Trump2016’ and ‘#Clinton2016’. The data was gathered from Instagram and Twitter on September 26, 2016.
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