Multicultural Beauty
Audience Research
Multiply your Marketing reach!
Multicultural Beauty Audience Research
Expand your Beauty Brand’s Role with the Influential Diverse Shopper
Recent data shows that diverse consumers represent a major source of growth within the $60 Billion+ U.S. beauty category. In fact, while segments such as hair care, personal care, and shaving needs are seeing declines in the industry, they are experiencing significant growth within specific ethnic categories such as the Hispanic market. Download any of O.Y.E.’s multicultural beauty market research reports below!
O.Y.E. has extensive experience working with Global 2000 brands within the beauty industry and has helped these brands to understand which types of campaigns resonate with the dynamic multicultural consumer.
O.Y.E. data shows that certain beauty brands drive acculturated, English-speaking Hispanic consumers to their product, while other beauty brands are found to resonate online with Spanish-speaking U.S. Hispanics
Competitive brands in the beauty space are found to have different strategies on alternative social channels; O.Y.E. helps determine which plans create conversations with consumers of different ethnic backgrounds.
Industry Reports & Analysis
Got2b | Multicultural Influencer Platform
The Challenge
Our Approach
Content posts:
49% of all social media users that received branded care packages, created organic posts for the brand.
Multiple postings:
Consumers posted numerous times, leading to an average of 1.5 posts per care package.
Among all engaged fans, one user generated Instagram video post from a 19-year-old aspiring singer / college student from California generated over 30,000 engagements on its own, highlighting the unique campaign

Learn more about the Multicultural Influencer Platform.
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